Léon Walras - HEC - Taxation

Des idées radicales : une vision de l’impôt par Proudhon
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Video - Dive into the archives
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The School of Lausanne : the Heritage of Léon Walras
Léon Walras, a 19th-century economist, is widely recognized as one of the most influential thinkers in the history of economics. A pioneer of modern economic theory, Walras made fundamental contributions that revolutionized the way we understand and analyze economic mechanisms. His innovative ideas laid the foundations for mathematical economics and greatly influenced the subsequent development of this discipline.
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Léon Walras - HEC - Taxation
The HEConomist team dives into the archives
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Léon Walras - HEC - Taxation
Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis Volume II - Lausanne School
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Interview – Quentin Gallea – The education in the present and in the future.
Manon Guiraud and Pasha Mammadov, writers for HEConomist, met with Quentin Gallea, lecturer and researcher at UNIL and EPFL, to learn about his vision of education, in the present and in the future.
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Interview – Virginie Lurkin, the future of education.
The HEConomist team met with Virginie Lurkin, Assistant Professor in the department of operations of the HEC Lausanne faculty. She talked to us about her background, but also about her vision of the future of education and her methods to engage students and create more interactive classrooms.
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Preparing for the future of work
“Mom, when I grow up I want to be a guardian of the metaverse!” The world is accelerating, jobs are changing and with them the dreams of our children.
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Interview - Pierre-Yves Martin - Facing the impact of its new workspace, the ECA has rethought its practices
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Video – Interview of Steph Cruchon – What does the future hold for Design and user experience?
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The future of work in the world of luxury - Interview of Bernard Piguet auctioneer
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Video editorial of our President - Future of work: change has already started!
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With the same diploma, it is your soft skills that will make the difference for your employer!
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