The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Special Report 95 > All editions

Video editorial of our President - Future of work: change has already started!

Dear Alumni, 

I hope you enjoy discovering the new format of the Magazine. It will certainly take some time to get it to a cruise speed. The editorial team is therefore counting on you to send your comments, proposals for improvement and suggestions in order to rapidly improve and meet your expectations.

Hopefully you will like the theme we have chosen this year: the Future of Work! A very broad topic but definitely also a very current topic for all of us! Indeed, faced with the constant evolution of the contexts in which we operate, the prevalence of change is one of the few certainties on which we can count. With a work environment that is constantly and rapidly changing (competitive dynamics, small political and societal lobbies amplified by media exposure and digital communication, etc.) ; increasingly sophisticated tools on which we rely (Artificial Intelligence, automation, collaboration applications, etc.) ; issues in rapid progression (financial digitization, pandemic, global warming, etc.), there is almost no longer a job that will remain unchanged, not to say that will not be replaced within just a few years . In order to cope with that, the ability to update our skills will be key. It will be essential to be constantly ready to evolve, to challenge oneself, to transform ourself. The cycles of evolution no longer extend over a few decades but now rather over a few years and the truths of today will very quickly be replaced by new paradigms. We discuss the business skills that are always necessary and the human skills that will always make the difference.

Discover some food for thought on these subjects in our Special Report which is meant to spread across the whole year in the subsequent editions of 2022.

I take this opportunity to encourage you, if you wish, to contribute to this report in our next editions, do not hesitate to contact us. Happy reading and thank you in advance for your comments.