The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Special Report 95 > All editions

Video – Interview of Steph Cruchon – What does the future hold for Design and user experience?

Design affects all companies, from the smallest to the largest. Website, apps, social networks, online shop, branding, customer experience, etc... Big changes are coming in this field’s employment sector in the coming years. What does the future in the field of Design and Communication look like? Which will be the next modus operandi ?

Steph Cruchon, Swiss designer with over 20 years of experience in the fields of UX/UI design and founder of Design Sprint Ltd, talks about it in this interview. He answers questions such as:

- What have been the major evolutions in the fields of design and the Web in the last few years?
- What will be the tasks of a designer in 5 or 10 years?
- In Switzerland where do we stand compared to other countries in terms of training in new digital technologies?
- Which techniques or ways of working will change or are already changing in this sector?
- In your opinion, which designer’s skills will be impossible or hard to replace by technological tools or AI? 

The Design Sprint in a few words:

The Design Sprint is an innovation methodology developed in-house back in 2011 by UX specialists Google Ventures. 
Steph Cruchon and his team are the first agency to offer this service since 2015 to startups and large groups, both Swiss and European.
The design sprint workshops last 5 days and bring together a multidisciplinary team.  The idea is to accelerate and simplify the design process of a digital or hardware product, or an innovative service. This co-creation approach allows to prototype and test risky ideas and to solve challenges linked to the digital transformation and the digitization of society.
It is a decision-making aid and an accelerator for strategic projects that enables condensing the work that would normally be done over several months into a few days. 

Design Sprint SA is an agency based in Lausanne

In 2021 Steph Cruchon organized the Innovation Today conference at the Swiss Tech Convention Center of EPFL.
His latest project is the startup Genius Loci which aims to digitize local heritage, Genilem Award 2022

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