The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Life of the Association

2022 retrospective continued - Projects successfully completed

As a follow-up to our first retrospective of the beginning of 2022 here is a review of the rest of this year. We have thrived to organize events that are relevant to current trends and issues. In 2022, we were also able to present you with some major projects that we have been working on for quite a while.

Our team, still composed of Candice Richardet-Briand, in charge of events and administration, Estelle Hegi, in charge of communication, two student assistants graciously granted by the Faculty, and Laetitia Fatio, our Director, is pleased to make you relive this year filled with changes.

Our activities

Company visits  

Company visits are always very popular within our community. It is true that it is always exciting to discover the inner workings of a company, whatever it may be. 

On November 29th, we finished our visits for the year by discovering Trésors et Saveurs' showroom for a very gourmet visit. This Swiss company, specialized in gastronomic innovation, and Yvan Castro, HEC'86, presented you with unique spices of great quality, various rum liqueurs, as well as other products such as Manuka honey or famous Japanese teas. We thank him again for his hospitality!

As a reminder, this year we also visited the Maison Piguet in Geneva on March 8th. This auction house, operating since 1978, and appearing on the podium of the most important auction houses in Switzerland, welcomed us for a sneak peek at its upcoming collections.
Then, on September 22nd, the famous Lausanne brewery Dr Gab's allowed us to discover its production plant in Puidoux.

Do you want to show your company or visit a particular place? Do not hesitate to contact us with your suggestions and proposals.

Contact us

HEC Lausanne Alumni Clubs

As we told you at the beginning of the year, the activities of our Clubs in Switzerland are in full swing. Our Ambassadors have organized many meetings, dinners, afterwork events, mini-conferences, allowing once again our members to meet and discuss around a drink.  
Our Basel Club welcomes two new Ambassadors Fengyue Hu and Cyril Racchetta to replace Denis Schraner who left the city. They will organize the very first after-work event of 2023.

Our Zürich Club is also enriched by three new ambassadors Pauline Rosenblatt, Delphine Andreae and Alexis Valenza. Welcome to them!

Our Clubs in Geneva, Lausanne, Zürich and Data & Digitalization have, as usual, been very active and have offered regular activities to their members during the year.

Elsewhere in the world, our Clubs are also in the process of getting back on track. This is already the case for our Singapore Club and its ambassador Laura Zaccaria, who invite the HEC Alumni community in this region to an afterwork conference with Professor Conti in February. Events were also held in London and Montreal.

We would like to thank all our Club volunteers for their commitment and without whom the organization of all these events would not be possible: Delphine Andreae, Valentine De Preux Tchekhoff, Jean-François Girard, Fengyue Hu, Bérénice Jaccard, Mark Kuzmanic, Anne Liquois, Josselin Meylan, Raphaël Menard,Cyril Racchetta, Pauline Rosenblatt, Denis Schraner, Adrien Stamm, Alexis Valenza and Laura Zaccaria.
We are looking forward to the relaunch of other Club activities around the world!
Cannot find a Club in your area? Contact us or join the Club(s) of your choice on our new platform.

Graduation Ceremony 

On November 19th and 20th, the Graduation Ceremonies of the 2022 Masters' and Bachelors' took place at Amphimax. Pride and joy, and even relief for some, could be seen on the faces of all the Graduates. We had the pleasure to congratulate them and hand out, one by one, their hats with Alumni tassels. Then they proudly went on stage during roll call and walked down the catwalk. This year we welcomed over 600 new Alumni to our community and wish them a warm welcome to our network.
New this year, the HEC Faculty entrusted our Association with the mission of hosting the pictures of these ceremonies on our website. The new Graduates have the pleasure of finding them on a page specially prepared and reserved for them.
To learn more about these ceremonies, read the following article.

Read the article

© Sébastien Monachon / Francesca Palazzi 

111th Anniversary of the HEC Faculty

On November 11th, you were invited to celebrate the HEC Faculty and its 111th anniversary. In a sumptuous setting, with a delicious meal and in good company, the evening was a success.
We would like to thank once again Marianne Schmid Mast and Felicitas Morhart who initiated this celebration as well as the HEC Foundation for this invitation. We would also like to thank all the guests for coming to share this moment of celebration. Finally, a big congratulations to Thomas Wiesel for his speech during which he spared neither the HEC Faculty, nor the Dean, and made the whole assembly laugh.
To know more about this evening.

Read the article

Christophe Pralong Prize & Olivier Cadot Prize Evening

On October 10th, at Internef, an evening dedicated to the 2022 Christophe Pralong & Olivier Cadot Prizes' winners and a presentation of their projects was held. Followed by the conference of Mr. Nicolas Suter, HEC'95, member of the Board of Mercy Ships Switzerland and a networking aperitif offered by the HEC Faculty, we had the pleasure of contributing to this award ceremony.

Read the article

Golf Tournament 2022

As every year, in association with the Prix Christophe Pralong, we had the pleasure to invite you to our annual golf tournament at the beautiful Golf Club de Bonmont

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Soirée des Alumni 2022

After a 3-year of postponements, we were finally able to organize THE Soirée des Alumni (Alumni Evening) again. 

Read the article

HEC Career Networking Fair

For the last three years, the Alumni Association has held a booth at the Career Networking Fair organized by the HEC Lausanne Career Center. A way to support students in their search for an internship or a job and an opportunity to remind them of the importance of the HEC Alumni network. A day dedicated to giving them advice on networking and maintaining networks.

General Assembly and other activities 2022

Find all our detailed activities of the beginning of the year 2022 in the following retrospective 

Read the article

Our Projects


Since June 2022, the digital version of the Alumni Magazine which you are currently reading is up and running. After these few months of operation, we are very happy to offer you this second edition. 

Our goal was to make the Magazine more flexible and dynamic with articles more relevant to the news and especially more accessible. 
This has been achieved thanks to the videos, the interactive links in the articles and the fact that you can read this Magazine on all your devices, mobile or fixed, all over the world.

What do you think of this new format? 

Give your feedback

New Platform and Mentoring

The Alumni-Student Mentoring Program is one of the spearheads of our Association. 
For years now, it has allowed former and current HEC students to meet and share. Through this our network is strengthened year after year.
Recently, thanks to the support of the HEC Foundation, we have set up a module on our platform dedicated to this program. The Mentor-Mentee pairs are no longer formed by us. In order to improve the matching of pairs and to ensure the commitment of the students, it is now up to the Mentee to choose which Mentor they want to work with and submit their application. The Mentor then accepts or rejects the Mentee's application. This new system makes the program more interactive from the start. It is always more motivating to be able to choose with whom we would like to share such an experience. Despite some technical developments to be made to this new module, we are happy with the results of this new 2022-2023 session.

To learn more about the mentoring program.

Read the article

Throughout 2021, we have been thinking, developing, testing, sorting and creating this new tool especially for you.
After almost a year of operation, what do you think of this new site? We would be very happy to have your feedback. Is it functional? Did you find the information you were looking for easily? Is it exhaustive? 

Your feedback will be very valuable to us and will help us improve this platform.

Write a comment

Have you already taken advantage of the following benefits:

The directory - Only paying members have access to this module. It allows you to find former classmates or see if there are other Alumni nearby.

The agenda - you can see and directly register for all our events.

Job offers- we offer you a selection of job offers, some of which are not visible on other platforms. As a paying member you have the possibility to publish your own job offers directly and for free.

Clubs - join your favorite Clubs and participate in their events.

The Magazine - you are reading it now! Along with this new platform, we have developed this new online format exclusively for you, our paying members.

Privileges - as a contributing member, you can enjoy special benefits. Find out more!

Other modules will be added to this tool as time goes by and as our Association's needs change. 

For more information on our Association, we invite you to read or reread our retrospective from the beginning of the year.

Read the article