The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Inside the Faculty

"The future is colorful, the future is yours!

The future is made of a wealth of colors. HEC Lausanne gave its graduates the tools and primary colors so that they may paint their own masterpiece. Which colors will be the ones to mark their careers?

The 2022 graduates of HEC Lausanne were in the spotlight on November 19th and 20th during the end-of-studies celebrations which were held on the UNIL campus at the Amphimax. With its colorful theme, this new edition was once again the opportunity to gather graduates and guests, for a total of over 1400 people for the Master’s celebration and 900 people for the Bachelor’s celebration.

The festivities were introduced by the Dean, Marianne Schmidt Mast, and by Zelda Chouvet our master of ceremony who brilliantly proceeded with the name call. The graduates then had the chance to walk the stage, greeting the Dean and a professor from their program, before taking to the central cat walk one after the other. The musicians and visual show illuminated these celebrations which ended with the HEC Lausanne Alumni speech, an explosion of colors for the traditional graduation cap toss, and finally a cocktail.

The entire faculty would like to once again congratulate the graduates on their success and thank everyone who participated in the organization of these events. 

The Bachelor’s celebration

The Master’s celebration