The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Life of the Association

2023 - The HEC Lausanne Alumni Association exists for you and thanks to you!

Participate in our activities, take advantage of our services, get involved and support us so that we can continue to contribute to the notoriety and to the international reach of HEC Lausanne in a more long-lasting way.

2022 has seen the completion of major projects, such as our new website and collaborative platform as well as this online Magazine Alumzine. And as usual, many activities, conferences, webinars, afterworks, parties and other get-togethers have been held throughout the year in Lausanne and elsewhere.  Take a look back at 2022 through these retrospective articles.

2022 retrospective continued

The life of the network: beginning of 2022

In 2023, we will continue to animate this exceptional network, whether through our traditional activities to create networking opportunities or through our Clubs around the world thanks to our volunteer Ambassadors (a big thank you to them!). Behind the scenes, we will continue to develop our collaboration with the various HEC Faculty depatments and student associations, add features to our collaboration platform, expand our services and seek opportunities to increase our resources, both human and financial.

2023 is a pivotal year, we need to ensure the continuity of your Association and we need you!

Support us!

Everyone who has obtained a degree from HEC Lausanne, whether it be a Licence, Bachelor, Master, PhD or even a CAS, DAS or MAS, is automatically part of the HEC Lausanne Alumni community, comprising 14,000 members in over 70 countries. An incredible network!

Become active today, support your Association by paying your annual membership fee of CHF 90.00 (CHF 45.00 for those not in gainful employment). Taking into account that the annual fees represent more than 80% of the Association’s income, we count on you and thank you in advance for your support.

Become a Contributing Member 2023

The other source of income for the Association is our partners. The HEC Faculty, our institutional partner, and Maurice Lacroix, our long-time partner, have confirmed their continued support in 2023 and we warmly thank them.

If you wish to associate and/or promote your company to the HEC Alumni, do not hesitate to contact us. Different partnership options exist and we want all collaborations, big or small, to be win-win for everyone.

Get involved!

Although our Association is managed operationally by an « office » of three people, Candice Richardet, Estelle Hegi and yours truly and supported by two student assistants provided gracefully by HEC, the five of us represent only 1.8 full-time equivalents.  To manage the organization and communication on all our services and activities - considering that some of them are not always visible to our members, such as our involvement in the Equis rating, graduations, and others - I dare to say that, even with all the will in the world, we are running "lean" and are too often "just in time".

THANKFULLY we can count on all our volunteers! Committee members, Club Ambassadors, Mentors, auditors, writers and proofreaders of articles for this Magazine, speakers,...,  at the forefront or in the background, the Association would not exist without them. MANY THANKS!

What about you? Why not get involved in the Association? Whatever your availability, your geographical location, your expertise or your desires may be, contact us!

Get involved!

One of our missions is to animate your network. To do so, we organize various events enabling encounters and exchanges such as conferences, afterworks, company visits, parties, golf tournaments, etc. Come and meet or reconnect with other Graduates, take part in the activities that we organize, this network is an asset, take advantage of it.

See the agenda

And do not hesitate to share your ideas for events, around Lake Geneva or elsewhere.

The HEC Lausanne Alumni Association exists for you and thanks to you!
We look forward to seeing you throughout the year and thank you for your support.

Laetitia Fatio
