The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Inside the Faculty

New Nominations at HEC Lausanne

UNIL’s HEC Faculty has had the pleasure of welcoming 8 new professors and 1 senior lecturer in 2022:

By alphabetical order

Department of economics

  • Gianluca Benigno, as Full Professor. His domains of expertise are international macro-economics and monetary policy.
  • Aurélien Eyquem, as Associate Professor. Professor Eyquem’s research focuses on dynamic macroeconomics with a focus on economic policy.
  • Sebastien Houde, as Associate Professor. His research focuses on the economy of energy and of the environment
  • Dzhamilya Nigmatulina, as Assistant Professor on the tenure track. Her fields of expertise are political economics and development economics.

Marketing department

  • Isabelle Engeler, as Associate Professor. Her fields of expertise are consumer behavior and decision making in digital environments.

Department of operations

  • Gautier Stauffer, as Assistant Professor specializing in operations management.

Department of strategy, globalization and society

  • Estefania Amer, as Senior Lecturer. Her field of expertise is the integration of sustainability in the strategies and operations of organizations.
  • Giorgio Zanarone, as Associate Professor. His domains of expertise are governance, cooperative strategy, the economy of organizations and institutional analysis.

 Department of information systems

  • Yash Raj Shrestha, as Assistant Professor on the tenure track. His research focuses on the design and management of systems based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) in organizations.

Pictured: Gianluca Benigno, Aurélien Eyquem, Sébastien Houde, Dzhamilya Nigmatulina, Isabelle Engeler, Gautier Stauffer, Estefania Amer, Giorgio Zanarone and Yash Raj Shrestha