The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Inside the Faculty

Editorial of the Dean

I am pleased to address you in this first digital edition of your Magazine. I have been at the head of HEC Lausanne with my Dean's team for almost a year now and you are certainly wondering where we are headed with HEC Lausanne. In this Magazine you will find news from the Faculty to which I would like to add two aspects that are close to my heart:

  • First, our 3D commitment to three themes that underpin our actions: Diversity, Digitalization, and Sustainability (Durabilité in French, for the third D). We push these three themes on different levels - teaching, research, School visibility, in our contacts with external partners, and in our internal processes.
  • Second, the outreach and the national as well as international reputation of HEC Lausanne, which involves you - the HEC Lausanne Alumni! With Laetitia and Haja, we have identified areas of close collaboration between the Faculty and the Alumni Association and I am already looking forward to it - you should see the fruits of this collaboration already this fall - but I keep the suspense... stay tuned!

We are therefore counting on your engagement with and commitment to the Association to keep the spirit of HEC Lausanne alive and well. You have helped to build it during your years of study, and then during your working life, by supporting the outreach of the HEC Faculty and making it shine. I look forward to seeing you again soon during one of the many activities organized by Laetitia and her team, whom I thank warmly for their tremendous work.