The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Life of the Association

2023 Alumni Night

Imagine yourself on a hot summer night, surrounded by the green-blue waters of the Leman and the spectacular Swiss Alps, nibbling on some delicious appetizers and sipping local wine, all in the company of fellow HEC Lausanne Graduates. This enchanting decor was the setting of our 2023 Alumni HEC Lausanne’s annual party.

On June 2nd 2023, over 80 of our Alumni HEC Lausanne gathered in Nyon, at “O’ Les Terrasses du Lac” restaurant, for a cocktail dinner to (re)connect with fellow Graduates.

The 2023 edition of our traditional event has been a smashing success amongst our community, as well as the unmissable tombola, thanks by our partner Maison Maurice Lacroix and to all our generous partners who donated 55 incredible prizes!

We all look forward to the 2024 Alumni HEC Lausanne Soirée, which will take place on June 7th.

Emilie Gabella

More information on the event