The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Life of the Association

The “Christophe Pralong – Alumni HEC Lausanne” Golf Trophy

How to combine sport, conviviality and good deed

It is with great pleasure that the HEC Alumni joined once again the Christophe Pralong Prize for the 2021 Golf Trophy which took place in the magnificent setting of the Bonmont Golf Club. This Charity Challenge kept all of its promises: no aquaplaning this year but a radiant sunshine fostering the beautiful swings and putts of our golfing friends. And as always, conviviality and good humor were on the agenda, all accompanied by a succulent raclette and excellent Valais wines at the turn. 

This Golf Trophy remains very important to the Alumni Association, not only because of its sporting aspect which encourages great encounters, but also because this event allows us to support and raise funds for the Christophe Pralong Prize that the HEC Alumni have been supporting for many years. This Prize aims to encourage students to dedicate themselves to development issues in the world by helping them carry out a social, entrepreneurial or academic project in an emerging country. Find more information on the website:

A big thank you to all the participants, as well as to our partner Maurice Lacroix who offered a stunning watch, to PwC sponsor of the Christophe Pralong Prize, to the Bonmont Golf Club for all the logistics, to the numerous contributors of the tombola, and to all the volunteers without whom nothing would have been possible.

We look forward to seeing you on September 30th 2022.

Laetitia Fatio and Christian Filippini

More photos available on our website