The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Life of the Association

Your next big events

Mark your calendars! Many great events are waiting for you in April...

We are pleased to provide this summary of your future meetings with your community that you absolutely must not miss this year!

Conferences-Tables rondes

3D diversity, digitalization and sustainability are the 3 pillars that the HEC Lausanne Faculty puts forward in its courses.  We would like to offer you a series of round tables on these topics, each with a presentation by two HEC professors followed by a debate with a panel composed of two HEC alumni and two students.

On April 25, participate in the 2nd part of our 3D roundtable conferences, Digitalization! Come and listen to the 2 lectures given by Professors Stéphanie Missonier and Mathias Humbert who will be accompanied by an Alumni panel with Yann Lironi (HEC'16) & Antonio Carriero (HEC'98) as well as a student panel composed of Melani Da Cunha Alves, Gaspard Renard-Struna & Mathias Matteucci, all moderated by Professor Christine Legner

Information and Registration

This 3D series will end on Tuesday, May 2nd with a conference-roundtable on sustainability, a very topical subject, given by Professors Valérie Chavez and Sébastien Houde who will be accompanied by an Alumni panel with Edgar Haldimann (HEC'10) & Virginie Toral (HEC'06) as well as a student panel composed of Tiago Castro Moura & Léane Vota, all moderated by Professor Christophe Fischer (HEC'93)

Information and Registration

Soirée des Alumni

In June, it will be time for the return of THE Alumni Night!

After the success of the previous year, we are already looking forward to organizing it again this year.
Tombola, entertainment, aperitif and music will accompany you in this moment of reunion. We look forward to seeing you on Friday June 2nd at O'Les Terrasses du Lac in Nyon for an unforgettable evening!

Information and Registration

World Tour Masters of basketball

On August 19th, some lucky ones among you will have the chance to participate in one of the rounds of the 3x3 World Tour Masters of basketball which will take place in Lausanne. Thanks to our sponsor Maurice Lacroix and the FIBA (International Basketball Federation) some people will have the unique opportunity to enjoy this sporty day. More information to come!

Golf tournament

After a summer break, what better way to get together than a golf tournament? As part of the Christophe Pralong Prize, join us on October 6th in Bonmont for a golf tournament to raise funds for student projects. This in a warm and friendly atmosphere for a day full of meetings and good times. A day not to be missed!

Information and Registration

In addition to these, other events are in preparation such as: (spoiler alert) visits of well-known companies in the region or a conference with a big name in adventuring! Our sponsor, Maurice Lacroix, also has other surprise events in store for us. Stay tuned so you don't miss anything!

See the agenda