The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Life of the Association

HEC Lausanne Alumni Clubs, a source of energy all year round!

Since mid-April, the HEC Lausanne Alumni Clubs have been buzzing with activity with over 20 Afterworks already organized and the promise of many more to come.

Two new Clubs have recently been launched, each bringing its own distinctive touch: the Real Estate Club, headed by Ambassadors Thibault Rhenter and Mathieu Nidegger, and the Junior Entreprise Alumni Club. In adddition, the Shanghai Club, has been relaunched by its new Ambassador Loïc de Prado.

A milestone year has passed, celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the historical Alumni Club of Geneva. The festivities lived up to the occasion with a traditional meal featuring “filets de perches” of Lake Léman, fished by none other than Jean-François Girard himself.

Among other highlights, the HEC Lausanne Alumni Club in Zurich distinguished itself with a special event: an exciting ice hockey match pitting the ZSC Lions against HC Lugano.

The Geneva and the Data & Digitalization Club were also active, respectively holding get-togethers every first Wednesday and Thursday of the month. In the German-speaking part of Switzerland, the Basel Club was rhythmed by regular meetings and the Clubs of London, Montreal and Singapore also reconvened. 

The importance of the Clubs in the lives of our members is undeniable, and the Afterworks continue to be a great success. Our sincere thanks go to all our Ambassadors, essential pillars of this dynamic community, amongst whom Delphine Andreae, Henri Badoux, Charlotte Chenu, Jean-François Girard, Fengyue Hu, Bérénice Jaccard, Mark Kuzmanic, Anne Liquois, Renaud Margairaz, Thibault Renther, Mathieu Nidegger, Loïc de Prado, Monique Perrin, Cyril Racchetta, Josselin Meylan, Raphaël Menard, Pauline Rosenblatt, Alexis Valenza et Valentine De Preux Tchekhoff. Their commitment is the key to the success of these events, giving the Alumni HEC Lausanne community all its sparkle.

So why join an HEC Lausanne Club?

The benefits are numerous! Top of the list is the network you build by attending these Afterworks, as well as the enriching sharing of ideas with members who share your interests. Conferences, featuring quality guest speakers, offer captivating and varied discussions. These events make way for unique memories and the creation of new friendships, just like in university days. And let's not forget the many professional opportunities that can arise from these encounters, opening doors you might never have had access to otherwise!

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