The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Inside the Faculty

How much of a risk are we taking with smart homes?

Short Research Stories: Prof. Joël Wagner and his co-authors evaluate the risks of smart homes

Smart homes, which are increasingly present around us, fascinate us with their technology which allows us to control (almost) everything. Despite their advantages, these houses may also bring their own share of risks, be they related to cybersecurity, hardware, software or even personal data.

This is what Joël Wagner, Professor in the Department of Actuarial Sciences, and his colleagues assessed by conducting a literature review of more than 200 scientific articles and practitioner studies to evaluate the current level of knowledge about smart home related risks. In doing so, their review identified a number of risks as well as appropriate mitigating measures, such as designing smart home systems that make it easier for users to assess their own risk exposure, or providing guidance on handling cybersecurity and sensitive data in the private sphere.

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