The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association

Inside the Faculty

Academic excellence: thesis prizes winners and new Ph.D. graduates 2022

The prizes 2022 were awarded to eight doctors of HEC Lausanne during the Annual Doctoral Event, in front of a broad audience. This event - organised by the doctoral school of HEC Lausanne in partnership with the PhDnet doctoral association - was introduced by a few words from Vice-Dean Rafael Lalive, followed by a speech by a recent PhD graduate, Fabrizio Colella.

The various prizes reward their theses for their scientific contribution and the innovative nature of their areas of research. 

The event was also an opportunity to congratulate the 23 doctors who obtained a PhD degree from the faculty between December 2021 and November 2022.

Doctoral Prizes 

  • Fabrizio Colella, PhD in Economics, subject area Political Economy, Prix de la Fondation Nicolas et Hélène Porphyrogenis for the thesis “Three Essays in Labor Economics”
  • Antoine Didisheim, PhD in Economics, subject area Finance, Prix de Solidarité Confédérale for the thesis “Finding a Nail: Machine Learning and Asset Pricing”
  • Martin Fadler, PhD in Information Systems, Prix de Faculté for the thesis “Big Data and Analytics as a New Frontier of Enterprise Data Management”
  • Martina Fraschini, PhD in Economics, subject area Finance, Prix de la BCV for the thesis “Three Essays on Innovation in Finance”
  • Moritz Gruban, PhD in Economics, subject area Management, Prix de Faculté for the thesis “Three Essays on Legitimacy”
  • Nikolai Kriukov, PhD in Actuarial Science, Prix de Faculté for the thesis “Ruin Analysis for Gaussian Risk Models”
  • David Philippy, PhD in Economics, subject area History of Economic Thought and Philosophy, Prix de Faculté for the thesis ‘‘Le Monde Derrière la Courbe de la Demande’ : une Histoire de l’Economie de la Consommation aux États-Unis (1885-1934)’’
  • Léonard Vincent, PhD in Actuarial Science, Prix de Solidarité Confédérale for the thesis “Model Uncertainty, Tail Risk and Structured Reinsurance”

New Ph.D. graduates*

* (02.12.2021 – 01.12.2022)

Good luck to all our doctors in their academic careers!

Antoine Didisheim, Simon Scheidegger, Michael Rockinger, Martina Fraschini, Harro Maas, David Philippy, Martin Fadler, Hansjoerg Albrecher, Léonard Vincent, Rafael Lalive, Fabrizio Colella, Nikolai Kriukov. Picture: © David Seppey