The Magazine of the HEC Lausanne Alumni Association


General Assembly 2024

The Annual General Assembly is one of the Association's most important events. Amongst other things, it enables our paying members to find out where we stand, get a precise overview of our activities, objectives, accounts and budget, elect the members of the Committee and share their opinions and comments. Always followed by a conference, this year was no exception.


The assembly was held on March 13th 2024 at Internef. Following the reports from President Haja Rajaonarivo on the highlights of 2023, by Director Laetitia Fatio on the projects, activities and objectives for 2024, Treasurer Julien Cornamusaz on the state of our finances, and several pertinent questions from participants, the Association's 2023 accounts and 2024 budget were approved by the members present in the audience. We thank them for coming and taking an interest in their Association.

Committee members up for re-election were re-elected, and we were delighted to welcome Mirela Ionescu (HEC'99), Alexandre Cruchet (HEC'15) and Anthony Vu (HEC'12) as new members.

Our President Haja was re-elected by acclamation for a third (and last) term. The Committee now comprises 10 members.

See the Committee members

A warm thank you was extended to all members who volunteer their time for the Association: Mentors, Ambassadors, speakers, committee and working group members, auditors, etc. for their time and commitment.

If you too would like to get involved, for an hour now and then or on a more regular basis, let us know! We'd love to hear from you!

Contact us

The Annual General Meeting was followed by a conference by Mr. Frédéric Borloz, State Councilor and Head of the Department of Education and Professional Training (DEF) of the Canton of Vaud. Read the article written by HEConomist about this speech.

Read the article on the conference


Without contributing members and volunteers, your Association would not exist. Thank you for your support!



To make this document easier to read, the masculine gender has been used. It goes without saying that the feminine gender applies everywhere and at all times.